Bucket list tip number 1 - A luxurious picnic by the water
Swedes love to spend time outdoors, and it’s agreed that food magically tastes better outside! Turn a picnic into something extra luxurious this year by setting the picnic table just as you would your dinner table! Pack the picnic basket with real glasses, cutlery and plates and surprise the ones you love with an unexpected dining experience outdoors!
Set your picnic table just as you would your dinner table!
Snaps is a staple for any classic Swedish holiday. Make your own by adding some rosemary, lemon peel and summery strawberries to the mix. Perfect for a midsummer party!
There's nothing that says summer quite like home-made lemonade. Here's a quick recipe for a simple lemonade that you can whip up in minutes:
Bucket list tip number 5 - Build a fort in your garden.
Relive childhood memories with your children – With a twist! Turn your garden into a luxurious, cozy fort with seat cushions, textiles and blankets to spend a cosy evening outside under the stars. Any excuse to spend more time outdoors!
Even if we won’t all be able to experience the real thing this summer, why not turn your garden or balcony into a little Swedish paradise? With the right plants, pots and a few strategically placed textiles in the form of blankets and seat cushions, you can add the right feel to your outdoor paradise!
Treat yourself to a really, really good cone of ice cream! One must-do on our bucket lists are making our very own ice cream. For a healthy option, use frozen fruit and yoghurt!
Preserve the most beautiful part of summer by putting a few flowers into a book to press and dry. After that, frame them in a glass frame. (Our tip: The frames by Moebe!)
Channel your inner Scandi heart and create a traditional midsummer wreath. Did you know that according to Swedish folklore you should pick seven different kinds of flowers in seven different fields, jumping over seven fences to get to them? If you then lay the flowers under your pillow when you go to sleep on midsummer, you will dream of the one you will marry one day.
Summer bucket list tip number 9 - press summer flowers & frame them
Bucket list tip 10 - Make a traditional Swedish Midsummer wreath
Even if you can’t experience the luxury of walking down to a full hotel breakfast, you can still create the same feeling at home. Create a full buffet this summer and lay it out on beautiful serving trays.
Summer bucket list tip number 11 - Create a luxurious hotel breakfast - at home.
Summer bucket list tip number 13 - Cook food outdoors.
Going out and picking fresh berries is a must every Swedish summer. Pack some containers, get the kids and go pick fresh berries. Freeze the leftovers to relive summer memories later this year!
Summer bucket list tip number 14 - Pick berries with the kids.
Summer bucket list tip number 15 - Sauna and a jump in a lake.
Get up early to see the sunrise.
Why not do some relaxing yoga?
Here's our favourite Swedish recipe for a classic rhubarb pie!
Bucket tip number 18: Bake a rhubarb pie!
Bucket list tip 19 - Go for a swim in the morning.
And enjoy a coffee afterwards.
Nothing says Swedish summer quite like a classic strawberry cake. A simple sponge base and a good helping of whipped cream topped off with as many fresh strawberries as you can fit on top! In Sweden, this is a summer classic. Whether for midsummer or a summer birthday party; with a strawberry cake, you can never go wrong!